
Latymer Parents & Friends is the school’s Parent Teacher Association and a registered charity. Since our existence nearly 40 years ago, we’ve raised many hundreds of thousands of pounds for the school. All the money we raise goes to purchase important educational resources that the government won’t fund; minibuses, sports gear, equipment for music, art, drama and learning. All Latymer students benefit from our work.

Organised and run entirely by Parent and Friends volunteers, our activities fall into four main areas:

  • We support school staff in putting on events, including sports, concerts, plays and parent evenings – usually by providing refreshments, sometimes a bar. Our hospitality creates warmth and atmosphere – and meeting new people is fun!
  • We organise and run our own events for the students, including a glowing and wintery Junior Party and an exciting and summery Football Tournament.
  • We put on our own ‘community’ events for parents, families and friends, including quizzes, entertainments, a colourful summer fair, etc. As well as raising funds, they enable parents to meet socially, which is not otherwise so easy, given Latymer’s wide catchment area.
  • Our other initiatives connect people all year round – from our Christmas tree shop to our school art calendar, a very rewarding lottery, raffles, auctions, pre-loved school uniform sales, special offers on West End theatre tickets, etc. And we’re always looking for new ideas.

As a Latymer parent you can easily support these efforts – just by turning up, enjoying the occasion, participating or buying something. But if you’d like to commit to joining us as a volunteer, we’d be doubly delighted. We always need new hands and thinking, and we’re a very friendly bunch. 

Beyond fundraising, we aim to enrich community life by bringing together staff, families and friends of the school. And though you may not have realised, you’re already a member of Latymer Parents & Friends. (The clue is in the name…) With digital technology, connecting with others has never been easier: so all Latymer parents are invited to join the hundreds in our virtual community on Whatsapp – the secure, phone-based app platform that connects Latymer Class and Form parents, as and when they like. It’s very handy, in all sorts of ways. Please do join us via the Class reps for each class & form.

Connecting, helping out, joining in or simply enjoying. However you can support us, you’ll be helping enrich our students’ education, while building community to everyone’s benefit. If you’d like to lend a hand, please email us at the address below, or message us on lpf@latymer.co.uk. We’d really love to meet you.